Health sector

Safety and excellent hygienic working environment at the hospitals

Energy management ensures savings on hospitals and in the pharmaceutical industry, which today has a large energy consumption and a significant part is used for ventilation, heating and cooling of air. JS ventilation incorporates an optimized energy management in all solutions.


Operating rooms with maximum security

An effective ventilation system is one of the most important tools for ensuring sterile environments such as operating rooms against bacteria and particles. The ventilation systems must prevent the occurrence of infections during the operative procedures and therefore it is important that system solutions are designed correctly.

Staff protection in laboratories

In laboratories the primary focus is to protect staff from injurious effects during work. The most important part of the solution is process ventilation such as fume cupboards, safety cabinets and local extraction. It is important, that the pressure conditions amongst the rooms are appropriately designed and regulated in order to prevent dissemination of harmful substances and bacteria. In practice, the system is equipped with alarms activating both light- and sound signal if exceeding a predefined limit value or in case of operational deviations thus ensuring a safe working environment.